Week Six of My #SummerofVintageKidLit – Return to Gone-Away!

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Books, Reading | 1 comment

I’m excited to begin week four of my #SummerofVintageKidLit! If you haven’t yet heard about my summer reading challenge, you can take a look at my recent blog post that has all the details.

Last week we read Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion, and you can read my quick recap in the comments of this post 🙂

This week, we’re reading Elizabeth Enright’s Return to Gone-Away, which is the second and final book in the Gone-Away Lake series. I am such a fan of Enright’s masterful writing, and she is the only author in my reading challenge who has more than one book on this list. As much as I love the first Gone-Away Lake book, I might love the sequel a little better! It’s full of delicious discoveries inside an abandoned summer home, and I can’t wait to reread it.

I actually have two copies of this book – one is a sturdy 1990s reprint and the other is a 1960s paperback that I found in an antique store last summer. Which shall I choose to read? 🙂

Here’s a summary about this book from Goodreads:

A wish come true. That’s what Portia thinks when her parents buy Villa Caprice, a tumbledown Victorian house along the swampy edge of Gone-Away Lake. A new house is always full of surprises, but Portia is completely unprepared for the extraordinary things that happen when her family moves into a new old house.

Happy Reading! Feel free to discuss this book by leaving a comment below, or tweet about it using the hashtag #SummerofVintageKidLit! Or join my Facebook group to be alerted of all the latest posts.

1 Comment

  1. Anna Rose Johnson

    UPDATE 8/1

    Love this book! I think that on reading it a second time, I don’t find it quite as compelling as the first book because there isn’t the same sense of mystery and discovery as in book one. But that’s not to say that this book isn’t full of delightfully intriguing sections as well!

    The storyline of this one – fixing up the abandoned house – is a favorite of mine, as is the humor and the oral tradition of the Gone-Away stories. Portia’s mother’s ecstatic reaction to finding the antique furniture is also a lovely moment!


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