What I Read in October

by | Oct 30, 2024 | Books, Reading | 1 comment

I’ve been enjoying a lot of reading this month, because the weather is finally feeling fall-ish, and what’s better than autumn reads with blankets and candles?

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the books I loved best in October:

Ferris is Kate DiCamillo’s latest middle grade novel, and this was such a joy to read. I have read and loved Because of Winn-Dixie since I was ten years old, but I honestly think I loved Ferris even more–because even though it has some sadness in it, there’s also so much humor that balances the book and made it feel lighthearted to me.

Glad and Golden Hours by Lanier Ivester, illustrated by Jennifer Trafton. This Advent and Christmas companion was a complete delight, and I loved all of Lanier’s lovely memoir-type stories mixed in among crafts and recipes for the entire month of December (and a little bit beyond)!

Spiderweb for Two by Elizabeth Enright. I’ve discussed this book so many times before, because it’s one of my all-time favorites! I read it this month for my Patreon book club, which has been so much fun.

The Star That Always Stays by … me! Yes, I actually just re-read TSTAS for the first time in actual print book form! The last time I’d read the entire story was during the last proofreading stage in early 2022, and that was on my computer. It was a lovely experience! Although my brain kept prompting certain lines to be read that way they’d originally been written. (Like autocorrect: “Did you mean THIS phrase”?) LOL!

Moominpappa at Sea by Tove Jansson. I’m a seasonal reader, and I read the first half of this book last summer (because I knew it was a summer story) and then never finished it. But I wanted to read Moominvalley in November IN November, so I thought I would finish the second half of this one to continue reading in chronological order. Turns out, the second half of Moominpappa at Sea takes place in autumn! That was a pleasant surprise, and the second half of the story was much more engaging than the first and had a sweet ending.

The Automobile Girls at Newport by Laura Dent Crane was first published in 1910, and I read a recent reprint copy. 1910s girls’ series books are *always* fun, and this was no different!

What Katy Did at School by Susan Coolidge is a book I have read truly countless times, and I just enjoy it so hugely every time I return to it.

What did you read in October? Leave a comment below!

1 Comment

  1. Julie Aamoth

    I’ve been rereading the Betty Wales series for the millionth time and it never fails to delight. Thanks for the info on the Automobile Girls, which I’ve never read. Have you (or has anyone else) read the new Rosetown book? I just got back from vacation and if it’s as good as the first one I would like to own it – if it’s more like the second I can wait and get it at the library.


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