Week One of my #SummerofVintageKidLit – The Four-Story Mistake!

by | Jun 21, 2019 | Books, Reading | 5 comments

I am so excited to begin the first week of my #SummerofVintageKidLit! If you haven’t yet heard about my summer reading challenge, you can take a look at my recent blog post that has all the details.

The book we’re reading this week is The Four-Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright. It’s the second volume in Enright’s beloved Melendy Quartet, and I’m looking forward to re-reading it.

Here’s a summary about this book from Goodreads:

The Melendy family moves to a house in the country where a secret room, a cupola, a stable, and a brook provide Mona, Rush, Randy, and Oliver with adventures far different from the city life to which they are accustomed.

Happy Reading! Feel free to discuss this book by leaving a comment below, or tweet about it using the hashtag #SummerofVintageKidLit! Or join my Facebook group to be alerted of all the latest posts.


    • Anna Rose Johnson

      They’re so much fun! I hope you can reread it, Anita 🙂

  1. Anna Rose Johnson

    UPDATE 6/26

    I *so* enjoyed rereading this one. There’s something infinitely comforting about the Melendy family and their delightful adventures. 🙂 The realism and authenticity of the characters and their thoughts is one of the things I love most about Enright’s novels, and you can especially appreciate that in “The Four-Story Mistake.”

    I’m an enormous fan of fascinating old houses, so that’s another element I love about this book. Oliver’s exploration of the cellar (those old books!!), the cupola, and – of course – the secret room with the painting of Clarinda; all such delicious facets to a house with a “confused architectural history,” as the back of the book phrases it.

    I also particularly like the details about Mona’s radio program. This aspect of the story greatly reminds me of my favorite theatrical tidbits in Noel Streatfeild’s books – especially Sorrel’s program in “Theater Shoes.”

    What were some of your favorite moments/elements in this book? I’d love to hear them! 🙂

  2. Julie Aamoth

    I always thought The Four-Story Mistake was a perfect book. The combination of discovery, family warmth, and delightful characters is such a joy. Randy’s comment on the miracles in her lifeand Mr. Melendy’s comment on each child’s window and the benefits of changing perspective occasionally have always struck me as profound life lessons, delivered in an organic, non-preachy way. And really, does it get more exciting than when they discover the secret room? Still gives me goose-bumps!

    • Anna Rose Johnson

      I love the secret room!! It’s probably my favorite chapter in the book.


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