Books to read if you love ANNE OF GREEN GABLES

by | Mar 26, 2023 | Books, Reading | 4 comments

If you’re like me, you probably are a longtime fan of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. Maybe you’re hoping for a book that has a similar feel, but you’re not sure where to look. In this post, I’m going to be sharing a few fun vintage titles that I hope will be new to you!

– If you love the strong friendship and mischievous adventures that Anne and Diana have, try Katie John by Mary Calhoun.

– If you’re a fan of the stunning imagery and nature descriptions throughout Anne, try Maggie Rose: Her Birthday Christmas by Ruth Sawyer. (Hard to find but if you can, it’s fabulous!)

– If you’re looking for another story set in Canada and written in the 20th century, try One to Grow On by Jean Little.

– If you’re in the mood for a coming-of-age story about a young woman from a small town, try Emily of Deep Valley by Maud Hart Lovelace.

– If you’re on the hunt for another episodic book where each chapter is its own mini story, try The Saturdays or The Four-Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright.

– If your favorite aspect of AOGG was the Anne and Gilbert subplot, try Pat of Silver Bush, one of Montgomery’s lesser-known books that features a Gilbert-like hero (Jingle)!

– If you’d like to read another heartwarming story about an orphan finding a wonderful new home, try Runaway Alice by Frances Salomon Murphy.

– If you want another lengthy girls’ classic that isn’t as well-known as Anne, try What Katy Did at School by Susan Coolidge.



What books would you recommend to Anne fans? Leave a comment below!


  1. Marion

    Once again Anna Rose you have enticed me with a list of books that I want to get my hands on. Pat and Emily are in my library of books.
    Happy Birthday Year of Happiness and Blessings

  2. Joan

    Congratulations on being named runner- up. Thank You for the suggestions of books. Happy Birthday.

  3. Marilyn

    What a nice lists of books. I will be looking into moat of thee titles. I have read a lot of these titles. Congratulations on your runner-up with the book. Continues success. Wishing you happiness and blessings throughout your birthday year.

  4. Pearl Christine

    I adored the Saturdays and The Four Story mistake! I’ll have to check the rest of these out. Thank you for sharing, Anna Rose! <33


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