4/30/20 Writing Update!

A quick update! Because I haven’t done any writing updates lately, I thought I’d fill you in on my latest projects. First of all, I’ve been working on a new type of outlining for one of my next novels, which has been both an interesting and helpful experiment. I’ve tried to further hone my story structure, character arcs, and outlining over the past six months, and it’s fun and enlightening to test out different methods and new approaches to my novels. I also wrote a 14K-word novella in February, a sweet story set in the 1880s that I might end up expanding into a full-length novel at some point.
I only have 20,000 words left to write in my current historical novel (I’m at 45K of 65K). This particular book is delightfully fun to write – it’s the fourth in a series and by now, the characters are so firmly established in my head that it’s simply a matter of finding the most effective situations and scenes to propel their individual stories along.
About a month ago, I also experimented with a style of writing that straddles the line between prose and poetry. Using this style, I wrote a few scenes for a future book – and loved the outcome. That particular story hasn’t percolated in my brain long enough for me to write it, but I definitely feel that I will return to it someday.
I’m also currently gathering ideas for my next MG novel, sifting through plot elements and characters and concepts and settings. I’ve been testing out *a lot* of ideas lately, trying to find ones with that inspire me most. I think I’ve possibly hit upon my favorite idea in a long time!
I hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring!
Recently Read: Miss Billy series by Eleanor Porter, The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson, The Penderwicks At Last by Jeanne Birdsall
Currently Reading: The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright